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Our Guide to Investing in Local Art

Apr 5, 2022 | Investors

When you think of buying investments, your mind probably goes to real estate or the stock market. You probably don’t think of art. According to Forbes, the pandemic spurred more innovation and risk-taking in the past 18 months than in the last ten years. Art is quickly gaining popularity as an investment tool, for four reasons:

To create stability. The value of art is entirely independent of stocks, bonds and other commodities. Diversifying your portfolio by adding art is one way to add stability during uncertain times.

To have something tangible. Some investors like having something real that they can see, touch and hold.

To fill your home with beauty. While art can be a tremendous investment that could potentially grow in monetary value, the real reason for buying it is because it resonates with you on a deep, emotional level. If a piece makes you happy or brings you comfort, your investment has already paid off, no matter what happens in the market.

To support artists and culture. Art is a priceless part of our culture. Every time you buy a painting, sculpture or carving, you’re helping to create a heritage for future generations to appreciate and cherish. 

Investing in art is a must-have addition to your overall strategy, but real estate remains the safest and most profitable way to grow your wealth. Here are some of our other posts on the topic:

The Keys to Successful Investing in Art

If you’re buying art for its beauty and to support local artists, you can never go wrong. The value of a beautiful work goes far beyond its monetary worth. However, when investing for the purpose of growing your portfolio, there is always going to be some element of risk. How do you balance your love of art with keeping your portfolio as healthy as possible? 

These tips will help you manage and maintain your portfolio to give yourself the best chance of success. 


As with any investment, it’s essential to investigate thoroughly before investing significant money into a piece of art. Questions to ask yourself include:

Who is the artist? The secret is to find an up-and-coming artist whose work will likely increase in value over time. 

Does the artist have any previous works that have succeeded in the marketplace? While past performance is never an indication of future value, it is a good sign of future potential.

Invest for the Long-Term

It’s important not to get caught up in the excitement of the latest craze when choosing any sort of investment. For example, you may have heard of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) selling for ridiculous amounts of money, sometimes for millions of dollars. 

And, of course, everyone has heard a story where someone bought a piece of art at a garage sale that turned out to be worth a fortune. Stories like these are fun, but hoping for a short-term gain on an art investment is like hoping to win the lottery.

Investing for the long term is a much wiser strategy and far more likely to pay off in the future.

Understand the Risks

Every investment vehicle involves risk, and art is no different. You can manage this risk by understanding your tolerance and diversifying your portfolio accordingly. If you buy a sculpture from an unknown artist, balance it out by investing in a blue-chip piece from an established name.

Invest in Art as Part of Your Strategy

Investment in art is a great addition to your portfolio, but should never be a standalone strategy. It’s always better to diversify by adding other tools to grow and protect your wealth. While we always recommend talking to a financial expert, it’s well-advised to balance your portfolio with a mix of investment tools to ensure your success in the long term.

Of course, the best reason to invest in art is that it speaks to you on a deep level. Here’s how to create the perfect gallery wall to display your best finds.

Now that you know why art is a great investment, let’s take a look at some of our favourite galleries who are supporting many of our local artists.

Kefi Art Gallery

Founder Liza Zhurkovskaya created this virtual art gallery primarily to promote female Canadian artists. For more than seven years, Liza worked directly with clients to help them buy and commission art and has brought hundreds of artworks to the public eye.

In 2020, she started the Kefi Art Gallery to contribute to Toronto culture and help people surround themselves with the beauty of art during the pandemic lockdowns. 

You could spend hours browsing the works of hundreds of Canadian and international artists. Whether you want the perfect piece to invest in or simply to decorate your house with beautiful originals, Kefi Art Gallery is the place to start.

Art Gallery of Burlington

The Art Gallery of Burlington is a hidden gem that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. There are always fun and educational events and workshops to introduce the whole family to the love of art. Right now, there are workshops to teach you how to draw, sculpt, or even create your own digital avatar. 

Current exhibitions include “Constellations,” a gallery by Joanna Strong and “Recognition” by Vita Plume. 

There is also an onsite shop where you can browse the works of many Canadian artists to add to your collection.

Trias Gallery

As if the waterfront in the Bronte Village area wasn’t beautiful enough, now it is home to the Trias Gallery. The founder, Indira, is a painter herself who started the gallery to bring recognition and respect to artists everywhere.

You’ll never find the same piece twice, but you’ll always discover a wide range of artwork available from over 100 established and emerging artists. Displays include bronze and Inuit carvings, traditional and contemporary paintings and even wearable art. 

Crescent Hill

Crescent Hill is the premier art gallery in Mississauga, and it’s easy to see why. There are 5600 square feet devoted to showcasing the brilliance of Canadian artists. With such an expansive collection, you are sure to find something that speaks to you. The gallery offers many unique services to ensure that you love your new artwork.

Artist flowchart: Do you want to find the perfect painting but don’t know where to start? This virtual tool lets you figure out precisely what you’re looking for with a few mouse clicks.

Virtual installations: You can see how your chosen work will look in your home before you buy. Simply send the dimensions of your space, and Crescent Hill will create a virtual mockup.

In-home trials: The virtual mockup gives you a good idea of how your painting will look, but it’s impossible to gauge the size, texture or lighting accurately. The ultimate solution is an in-home trial, where the gallery allows you to display your artwork for a few days to make sure it is perfect.

Do you want to know more about ways to invest in art or real estate? We are always happy to talk. Reach out to us here.


Featured image provided by Kefi Art Gallery and created by Fabrizio Sclocco

Should You Sell or Rent Your First Condo When You Move?

Mar 9, 2022 | Investors

Buying your first condo is a thrilling milestone to be celebrated and remembered for a lifetime. There is no rite of passage into adulthood like moving into a place that is 100% your own. However, as time goes on and you become more established in your career, you may want to upgrade to a larger space. As exciting as your first condo is, it was always a stepping stone and never meant to be your forever home. It can be hard to let it go, but perhaps you don’t have to.

Many people are using their starter home to get into the market as an investor. Instead of selling, you rent it out when you move away. Financially, there can be a lot of benefits to this strategy. The longer you hold on to a property, the more your equity will grow. The rental income you receive can help offset the cost of your monthly mortgage payments.

Is the time right for you to invest?

As sentimental as you may feel about your home, the decision of what to do next can’t be emotional. Your next step needs to be logical and strategic. 

Here are some steps to take right now to help you make the right choice for yourself:

Obtain a mortgage pre-approval. The first step is to find out if you have access to enough financing to allow you to buy a new property and hold on to your condo. Housing prices are high everywhere, especially in Toronto proper. You may need the cash from selling your condo to fund your new house.

Do you have a down payment available for a new purchase? Or are you relying on your equity in your condo as leverage? If you have significant equity, you might be able to get away with a smaller down payment. However, you’ll want to ensure you have enough cash flow to get you through the first few years.

Do you have enough cash in the bank to manage both properties? High property values make it hard to collect enough rental income to carry a second mortgage. During the pandemic, the government froze rent amounts, which meant you couldn’t charge more even as your own costs increased. While that is changing now, high mortgage payments mean there still may not be enough rental income to cover the monthly expenses. Keeping your condo is likely a good investment if you have enough liquid cash available. Your equity gains will likely surpass the deficit of your carrying costs. 

What condition is the building in? Is it modern and up to date, or is it at an age where the finishes have become outdated and rundown? How high are the maintenance fees relative to the newer condos? Is the building managed well, and are major repairs handled quickly? Your answers to these questions will indicate how likely you can find a tenant for your unit. Once a condo reaches the 8 – 15 year age mark, it might be better to sell in favour of a newer product. The exception is if it’s a very well-managed building that will increase in value as time goes on. 

Are you ready to become a landlord? A tenant will typically not care for the unit nearly as well as an owner would. As a result, there will be wear and tear, and you will require more frequent maintenance and repairs.

Want to know more about selling or investing in the GTA? Here are some other helpful reads: 

The above factors can help you determine whether or not the building is a sound investment worth holding onto. If so, there are still advantages and disadvantages to selling or renting. Let’s take a closer look at each option.

Selling the Condo – the Pros

If you decide to sell the condo, you’ll have a significant sum to afford the down payment on your next home. If you’ve always dreamed of living in Toronto proper, the proceeds from your sale might give you the financial boost you need.

You won’t have to worry about the headaches of being a landlord. You won’t have to vet tenants or chase them down for rent if they don’t pay. 

There will be less financial strain because you won’t have two mortgages to cover and less risk of losing one or both of your properties if you’re forced to default on the loan. 

The Cons of Selling

Selling your condo now may make it harder to get into a real estate investment later as prices continue to climb. You will also miss out on the equity you would have built by owning two homes instead of one. 

Renting the Condo – the Pros

As property prices increase, more people are looking to rent, which means you will almost certainly be able to find tenants for your unit.  Your equity will grow faster when you own multiple properties. The higher prices go, the more equity you will build.

Plus, you will always have the option if you ever want your condo back. 

The Cons of Renting Your Condo

Not everyone is cut out to be a landlord, and owning an investment property is more work than you might think.

You will need greater financial stability as it can take time to find the right tenant, and the rental income may not cover your costs completely. This means you may have less disposable income for the lifestyle you want to enjoy.

If you decide to sell your condo later, you’ll have to pay capital gains tax on a portion of the profit you make. As of right now, your primary residence is exempt from this tax.

Should you sell your condo or hang onto it? 

Only you can decide based on your situation and your long-term goals. Overall, real estate is one of the safest and most profitable investments you can make. An experienced and licensed Realtor® can provide further information to help you decide if the time is right for you. 

Whether you’re interested in selling or investing in real estate, we’re here for you! Get in touch to learn more about the Toronto real estate market. 

How to Build the Perfect Gallery Wall

Mar 4, 2022 | Lifestyle

If you have recently moved into a new home, one of the first things you want to do is find ways to make it feel like your own. The finest, most subtle details can make any house feel more luxurious, no matter the square footage.

With the right decor, you can give old homes a modern flair or make a new build warm and inviting, as though you’ve lived there for years.

There are few better ways to update your home than with art.

Art as an investment

When you think of investing to build your nest egg, beautiful paintings may be the last thing on your mind. However, according to publications like The Motley Fool and Forbes, art can be a more stable long-term investment than stocks or bonds.

You can reduce the risk of buying art by sticking with two core principles.

  1. Invest in” Blue Chip” art. A “blue chip” artist is one whose works sell consistently. These pieces will likely rise in value. At worst, they will retain value and are unlikely to depreciate. While some famous blue-chip masterpieces can go for millions of dollars, you can often find up-and-coming artists for reasonable prices.
  2. Buy art because you love it. Sticking with pieces you love will always pay the greatest dividend: a sense of breathtaking joy every time you step into the room. When you buy art for your own enjoyment, you don’t have to worry about the price tag. Beautiful reprints and stunning originals by artists at street festivals can make your room look spectacular.

What is the best way to display all this artwork? A gallery wall is a curated display of prints, paintings or drawings and is a timeless way to group your most spectacular pieces. 

With that in mind, here are seven tips to help you start building your own perfect gallery wall.

1. Decide on your focal point

Even the most beautiful pieces can lose interest when randomly thrown together. A high-quality gallery wall has a hidden structure holding it all together. Start with your favourite painting as your focal point and build everything else around it.

2. Sort your pieces by size and shape

The point of a gallery wall isn’t to be perfectly symmetrical. However, it does have to have structure. Combine the large pieces with the smaller ones in an attractive pattern to capture attention. Experiment by laying out your design on the floor before hanging anything on the wall. When you get it right, your arrangement is a work of art in and of itself!

3. Decide on a colour scheme

Any designer will tell you: colours matter! Specific colours go well together, and others simply clash. Each piece of art should blend in and complement every other work.

If something looks out of place, it can ruin the effect of the whole wall.

This doesn’t mean you have to do away with any artwork you cherish. If you love something that doesn’t work on your gallery wall, you can always use it in another room. Maybe you can even start a smaller gallery somewhere else!

4. Mix it up, but stay classy 

Use different shapes vertical prints, horizontal prints, wood frames, black frames, white frames, no frames. A variety of shapes and styles makes your gallery more attractive.

Just make sure you don’t go too crazy. Overkill will spoil the effect and make your wall look sloppy.

Do you have a friend with an eye for design? Ask them to take a look and offer their feedback. 

5. Measure twice, nail once

In construction, there’s a saying, “measure twice and cut once.” The same principle applies when building your gallery wall.

Measure everything so you know how to arrange them before you start nailing holes in the wall. You can even pencil in lightly where each piece will go and erase the marks once your gallery is finished.

6. Make it personal 

Now that you’ve sourced your art, decided on a theme and mapped out your display, there is just one thing missing: Something of yours! Adding one or two personal pieces will give your wall a uniqueness no one else can match.

You can make your wall personal even if you think you don’t have an artistic bone in your body.

Try watching a tutorial on Youtube and following along, or grab an art book from the library. You’ll be surprised what you can do when you put your mind to it. 

Or you could go out with friends to a “Paint Nite,” If all else fails, you can create your own “abstract” work of art. 

7. Be brave, be proud and showcase your masterpiece! 

And don’t worry if it’s not perfect. Add a nice frame and give it a spot on the wall. You never know; your friends may admire your hidden talent when they see your creation.

If you feel that you absolutely cannot add your own art, a child’s drawing or a printed photo will add a touch of personality.

Adding a gallery wall is a fun way to give an air of sophistication and atmosphere to your home that you can enjoy for many years. Every time you walk into the room, you’ll feel your spirit brighten. And who knows? One day, one of those pieces may become the next Picasso!

Want more ideas to decorate your home in style? Here are some of our other guides to help:


Realtor® Negotiation Red Flags You Don’t Want to Ignore

Realtor® Negotiation Red Flags You Don’t Want to Ignore

Feb 3, 2022 | Buyers

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to solicit clients under contract.

Have you ever noticed a red flag either in your personal or professional life? Maybe it’s something that someone has said to you that has given you pause, or an action someone has taken or some type of process that a business has that just doesn’t sit well. 

Oftentimes, a “red flag” can be translated into a gut feeling (AKA your intuition). When we look back on a situation–with 20/20 hindsight–it often becomes clear that those gut feelings you had were actually red flags and signs that you should not have proceeded with the aforementioned deal or relationship. 

Well, in real estate, one of the biggest “red flags” we’ve come across is agents overpromising and underdelivering. We notice it a lot when it comes to negotiating. 


So here are our top Realtor® negotiation red flags you can’t afford to ignore. If your agent is showing any of these signs, run, don’t walk, in the opposite direction! 

They are Not Transparent

A Realtor’s® number one priority is to act on behalf of their client and advocate for them to get the best results possible. For Sellers, this usually means a quick sale at a high price with the best possible marketing and results. For Buyers, this means finding a beautiful home at a great price in an ideal neighbourhood based on the clients’ needs. Both client relationships require sage guidance and support throughout the process, from start to the closing date (and beyond!)

Additionally, buying or selling a home is a huge transaction and your future is on the line. A good Realtor® will understand the weight of these decisions and want to ensure that you know exactly what’s going on at every stage. 

If your Realtor® is unresponsive, takes days to get back to you, or fails to explain the rationale behind specific negotiation or sales tactics, it could be a huge red flag. 

Not only does this behaviour feel dismissive, but it can be nerve-wracking and confusing to be left in the dark. A great Realtor® should make you feel at ease and confident. You should trust their decisions and they should always keep you abreast of the latest developments. Even if the update is, “I don’t have an update yet.” It’s essential to have full, transparent communication with your agent. 

Finding the right Realtor to work with is an important first step on your real estate journey. Read a few of our other resources to help find a suitable Realtor for your specific needs: 

They Procrastinate

In addition to advocating for your best interests, a Realtor’s® goal is to facilitate the sale of your home with ease and speed. This doesn’t mean accepting the first offer that comes in just to get the sale over with, but it does mean taking action quickly when it is required, and for them to prioritize the urgency and importance of a potential offer negotiation.

For example, as a Seller, you need to be confident that your Realtor® is promptly responding to interested Buyers, and to feel confident that your Realtor® is following up and keeping tabs on showing feedback via communicating with the Buyer agents, any offers received, and negotiations so nothing falls through the cracks. 

The best Realtors® are the ones who make themselves available to you. Regardless of how many existing clients they have, you should be made to feel like you’re a VIP. Selling real estate is not a typical Monday-Friday job, and if your Realtor® doesn’t understand that they might need to do a little work on their off-hours, they might not be the right fit for you. 

They Advertise Big Discounts

Everyone loves a great deal. But when it comes to buying or selling real estate, a big discount or ‘cash back’ incentive could actually spell trouble. The bottom line is that hiring a discount Realtor® will give you discount results. 

A discount Realtor® will not invest in the same high-quality property staging, photography, videography, well-written advertising copy, brochures, etc. The simple is fact is that their overhead is too low. They invest minimal time in serving the client, resulting in a less-than-ideal client experience. 

If the agent isn’t able to negotiate a standard commission fee, how can you be confident that they can negotiate the best outcome for the sale of your home? 

Agents that advertise incentives or big discounts for Buyers are also often less experienced. In most cases, the Seller is responsible for paying Buyer Agent commission, so there is really no benefit to the Buyer to get a discount on services since they are not technically the ones paying. 

An agent who offers considerable discounts or flashy schemes to attract clients often also has a less-than-stellar reputation. They likely have sub-par negotiation skills and might not understand the market nuances the way a high-performing agent would. 

In the long run, saving on commission costs is not beneficial because you probably won’t maximize the sale the same way you would with a high-quality agent who charges a standard commission. 

They Make Promises Without Seeing Your Home 

Quality Realtors® put a lot of stock into their market experience and comparable market analysis (CMA). They look at similar properties and similar sales in your neighbourhood to help create a price and action plan in preparing your home for sale that will attract Buyers while ensuring you get the best possible price for your home. 

However, it’s not all about market research. A great Realtor® needs to do some legwork. They need to visit your home and learn as much about the property as possible before making any type of recommendations. 

At the very least you should have a video call as a preliminary meeting before an in-person one if you’re still in the interviewing or planning stages. It’s always best however to (safely) meet in person as getting acquainted and learning more about the Realtor®, their track record of success and personality type makes a huge difference. In addition, the advice that a great Realtor® gives to prepare your home for sale can amount to tens of thousands of dollars more on the sold price.

If a Realtor® is willing to price your home sight unseen, this might be a red flag. How can they negotiate effectively and truly advocate for the sale of your home without seeing it in person? 

But there’s more to just looking at a home when determining its price. The real estate market as a whole has a lot to do with our advice. We publish a market report on our blog every month. You can read past market reports here. 

They are Too Stubborn

The dilemma with real estate is that with every transaction, two parties are trying to get the best outcome for themselves. This means that your Realtor® almost always needs to be open to negotiations. Otherwise, you will be walking away from a lot of probably really great offers. 

In addition to being salespeople, confidants, advocates, and friends; Realtors® are also problem solvers. If your agent is not open to the idea of negotiating or does not help you find viable compromises and solutions to your problems, this is another red flag that could mean trouble down the road. 

So How to Find a Negotiator Who Fits? 

Finding a Realtor® is more than just choosing the person who has signs all over the neighbourhood. It’s more than just going with the person who your sister-in-law recommends, or with the person who has the most money to spend on fancy ads and billboards. It’s about finding an agent that fits your unique situation. 

Once you find a Realtor® who understands your goals, has experience with your unique property type or neighbourhood, takes a personalized and intuitive approach to serving their clients and presents you with an excellent game plan to achieve your goal, then you should ensure they meet a few important negotiating criteria to ensure your best interests are protected during the transaction. 

Some items to note include: 

  • The Realtor® is responsive to your input and does a great job of explaining the nuance of pricing, accepting/making offers, etc. 
  • They hold some sort of negotiation certification such as the Master Certified Negotiation Expert (MCNE), proving that they are well-versed and accredited in negotiation processes. 
  • The Realtor® is honest and does not make sweeping generalizations or promises when selling a home that seem way out of line and far too high above your expectations, and will provide honest advice when buying a home in regards to market valuation, any potential concerns or pitfalls about the property, neighbourhood, etc 
  • You have seen proof whether by speaking to others, reading testimonials, or doing your own research that the agent delivers and can do the things they say they can. 
  • The Realtor® is detailed and transparent in all contracts and communications. 

Whether buying or selling, working with a Realtor® who is experienced, knowledgeable, and passionate about the negotiation process only serves to benefit you in the long run. Not only will your real estate experience be more efficient and seamless, but you’ll also see faster sales and better outcomes no matter what your goals are. 

Get the most up-to-date real estate news and market information when you subscribe to our monthly newsletter right here. 

Benefits of Working with a Local Mississauga Realtor®

Benefits of Working with a Local Mississauga Real Estate Team

Dec 13, 2021 | Mississauga

If you’re planning to relocate to the Mississauga area from elsewhere, you might be tempted to work with an agent in your current community. After all, everything is digital now, right? We’ve become so used to Zoom meetings and virtual tours that in-person meetings are starting to feel rarer.  

This might seem like sound logic on the surface, but the reality is a lot more nuanced and complicated. And for buyers looking to move to a new community, the best idea is actually working with a local agent in the area they are hoping to move to. 

Here are some of the biggest benefits of working with a local Mississauga real estate team..

They Have Local Community Knowledge

Are you looking for the best schools? Wondering which neighbourhoods have the best coffee shops or transit access? Are you interested in finding a neighbourhood where your kids will have similarly-aged playmates around? There is no way that a remote agent from further away knows about the minute details that make a neighbourhood truly unique. 

In Mississauga and the surrounding areas, we have a ton of micro-markets and smaller neighbourhoods that each have their own style, amenities, and positive attributes. 

A local Mississauga real estate agent lives and breathes the community. They know the best places to grab a delicious latte, they know the perfect pizza place to start your pizza night tradition in your new home. They are intrinsically aware of the local school districts, transit, safety, convenience, and recreational amenities that are so important to cultivating a great quality of life in your new home. 

Get to know Mississauga better with some of our blogs and community guides here:

They Have Local Market Knowledge

In addition to the unique community knowledge a local agent possesses, there’s also the local real estate market knowledge. It’s easy to paint an area with a wide brush and assume that the real estate market in Burlington is the same as it is in Mississauga, for example. 

However, that’s not exactly the case. A local agent is going to be hyper-focused on the specific differences between local markets to provide the most informed and up-to-date information possible. 

The market is constantly changing and every month we get clues to how the local real estate market is performing. This impacts every part of your transaction. 

For example, if inventory in Mississauga is low (like it is currently), your agent will advise you differently on how to handle the buying process. They will inform you of the unique micro-markets you’re looking at and will ensure you are fully prepared for the buying process in this specific niche market. 

Their local knowledge runs deep and their consistent research and only helps to inform their insight into what you should expect from the transaction. 

Looking for the most up-to-date local market information? We publish the monthly data for Toronto and the West GTA on our blog every month. Check them out here

They Intimately Know the Buyers and Sellers in the Area

At the heart of real estate are real families putting down real roots in a community. A remote agent won’t have the same relationship with people in the community that a local agent would have. 

This benefits you in a multitude of ways. For example, a local agent knows the behaviour of people in their community. They have standing relationships with them. Relationships they can leverage into things like off-market listings, getting you a first look at a property that is not yet listed. 

Additionally, with their intimate knowledge of the local buyers and sellers in the area, a local agent has the skills and tools to negotiate better because they know exactly what these individuals value and what they are looking for from their own perspective. 

They Have Their Fingers on the Pulse of Local Developments

If you are planning to purchase a new construction in a new city or area, you will want to work with a local agent. In most cases, local agents have existing relationships with the builders and property managers in their communities. 

This means they know exactly what is coming in terms of new developments, even before VIP announcements are made or ground-breaking ceremonies are held. 

In addition to knowing when and where the new condo developments are starting, a local Mississauga agent can also advise you on other developments. 

Let’s say you buy a beautiful condo with a breathtaking view, but two years later you discover a brand-new tower is going up right in front of your stunning vista. A local agent who knows what’s going on in their city will be able to advise you against such investments. 

The GTA is great for new developments. Want to learn more about some of the most exciting new construction projects coming to the area? Read our blog about it here. 

They Live, Work, and Play in the Area

When you work with a local real estate agent, you can bet that they know the area like the back of their hand. In most cases, they live, work, and play in the community and have a deep history with the surrounding region as well. 

For example, here at The Tanya Crepulja Team, we may live in Mississauga, but in the past, we’ve owned properties in Burlington, and Toronto and we know these areas based on lifestyle and experience of living and successfully working in each for years. This results in a unique relationship with the surrounding area that we use to help our clients relocate and find their perfect home.

Looking to get a local advantage with a trusted Mississauga Realtor®? Sign up for our newsletter and get access to exclusive local market information, real estate advice, and more! Get insider access right here.

8 Holiday Markets in the GTA to Visit this Season

8 Holiday Markets in the GTA to Visit this Season

Dec 6, 2021 | Community Events

They say it’s the most wonderful time of the year, and it’s easy to see why. From warm cups of cocoa around the fireplace to baking festive cookies and family home decorating sessions, there are so many seasonal activities to enjoy. 

Without a doubt, one of our favourites has to be visiting local holiday markets. The good news is, whether you’re in Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington, or Toronto, there’s no shortage of these fun events to check out.

Here are 8 holiday markets that are worthy of your attention…

1) Mississauga Festival of Trees

This new Mississauga holiday event is a must-see for kids and adults alike and is sure to become an instant classic in the community. Taking place at the historic Small Arms Inspection Building in Mississauga, you can expect artisan and culinary markets, contemporary tree and woodpile art installations, and more. 

The festival is meant to celebrate the “joy of the winter season.” You also won’t want to miss the entertainment, public workshops, and fantastic ambience permeating the venue. The Festival of Trees is taking place from December 9-12 and tickets can be purchased here

2) The Kerr Village BIA Holiday Market

Oakville residents will love this holiday market, which is now in its 27th year. On Friday, December 3rd, or Thursday the 4th, you can find the event at Westwood Park. First off, there’s the tree-lighting ceremony. The Kerr Village BIA planted a Christmas tree to prepare for the big moment—and it’s bound to be magical.

Of course, the main event is the pop-up market, where you can start crossing people off your holiday list! Enjoy some live music while you’re there, or (if you have little ones) meet Santa, Mrs. Claus, and their elves on Saturday afternoon.

Looking for the right family-friendly neighbourhood to call home? Schools are likely a top consideration. Check out some of the best local places for your children to get an education below.

3) Polar Winter Festival

This is certainly not your average holiday market! Polar Winter Festival is more of an experience than anything else. Located in Bandshell Park just off the Gardiner Expressway, this stunning display of Christmas magic offers something for everyone. 

For the kids, there is the opportunity to have their picture taken with the real-life Santa or Elsa from Frozen, and for the grown-ups there’s a fantastic artisan marketplace and the Hotel X Toronto Lounge with delectable cocktails. 

The park is truly transformed into a winter wonderland and you don’t want to miss it! Polar Winter Festival runs from November 25-December 26 and you can grab tickets right here

Interested in learning more about some of our favourite neighbourhoods? Check out our in-depth community guides here.

4) The Distillery Winter Village 

If you live in the GTA, chances are you’re aware of the Christmas Market in the Distillery District. It’s one of the liveliest annual events in one of Toronto’s most exciting communities—but this year, it’s going to look a little bit different. 

Cobblestone streets and Victorian architecture are a wonderful backdrop for the Distillery Winter Village. From the moment you arrive, you’ll also see a beautifully-lit, 55-foot Christmas tree. Along with enjoying the scenery, visitors can shop at the eight on-site vendor cabins, which will be selling a wonderful selection of local and artisanal gifts. 

We also suggest arriving hungry, because there’s going to be a lot of food—from the area’s restaurants to its 12 food cabins. From tacos to doughnuts to savoury jerk chicken, there’s a little something for everyone. 

The Distillery Winter Village is open from November 18th to December 31st, and you can purchase tickets for $8 right here. 

5) Outdoor Holiday Market 

Every Saturday in November and December, Burlington residents can enjoy the Outdoor Holiday Market. There’s something special about a handmade gift—and the items you’ll find from local makers and artisans at this must-attend event. 

Check out over 125 small businesses at the Outdoor Holiday Market, which runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 460 Pearl Street. 

6) Bloor-Yorkville Holiday Magic

From now until December 31, the Bloor-Yorkville BIA is lighting up the neighbourhood with beautiful displays of holiday cheer. Visitors can stroll the neighbourhood and enjoy shopping, dining, and the area’s cultural art and attractions all while taking in the captivating Christmas light decorations lining the streets. 

Make sure you check out the Urban Campfire Benches along Bloor West, these are permanent fixtures that light up to resemble a campfire when in use–only adding to the magic of the season while providing a great option for selfies! 

You can learn more about Bloor-Yorkville Holiday Magic right here.

7) The Burlington Holiday Market

This all-new event is one of the must-attend holiday markets for Burlington residents and visitors alike. Taking inspiration from traditional European Christmas Markets with a Canadiana spin, The Burlington Holiday Market is taking place from December 9-12 this year. 

Featuring concerts, choirs, interactive features, a HERO’s lounge, and advent-style art displays, you don’t want to miss this brand-new Burlington tradition in the marking. 

Learn more about The Burlington Holiday Market here

8) Light Up the Square

Mississauga’s second new holiday event kicked off on November 20 and is running until January 2, 2022. Visit Celebration Square from 9-10pm to see the stunning artwork and snap a pic in front of the 40-foot Christmas tree! 

While you’re there you can enjoy tasty treats from the various food vendors, skate on the city’s biggest outdoor rink, or relax in the outdoor heated patio. 

The best part? This all-ages event is completely free! Learn more about Light Up the Square here

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How To Help Your Children With Real Estate Investing

Nov 8, 2021 | Buyers

For many people, real estate investing is a full-time job. It’s how people make their living, and some people are born to be real estate investors. For others, real estate investing might seem like something far too complicated to deal with. After all, buying a house for your family to live in can be stressful enough. Why put yourself through all that if you don’t have to?

The answer is that real estate investing can be a profitable experience that not only helps diversify your investment portfolio but helps build generational wealth within your family. In short, investing in real estate today could benefit your children in the future!

Let’s take a closer look…

Why Invest in Real Estate?

Real estate is often considered an extremely stable investment. It’s very low-risk, in that there is little chance that you will ever lose a significant amount of money in a real estate investment. For example, when you buy stocks, you are taking a lot of risks. The stock market is impacted by many factors that are well outside your control. At any point in time, a stock can skyrocket or plummet.

However, with real estate, you can almost always expect appreciation. Investing in real estate is not a scheme to get rich quickly, rather it’s a simmer that will eventually pay off years later. Take a look at our current real estate market – over the past decade we have seen phenomenal growth in appreciation over the short and long term. Most properties have doubled (or more) in value. Even if the market cools down to a more balanced level, you can expect that there will continue to be a reasonable appreciation in value. This makes real estate investing perfect for investors who are at the peak of their career with extra money to allocate somewhere that will offer a safe and reasonable ROI.

Real estate also helps you build equity, meaning you can borrow against it to grow your investment even more. It’s extremely difficult and rare to borrow against stocks, and in most cases, it’s something that is not recommended by financial experts.

If you’re an avid investor already, you’re probably aware of the benefits of a “diverse” portfolio. What does that mean exactly? Basically, it means not putting all your eggs in one basket. If you are deeply invested in one particular stock, and something happens to that stock, there goes all your money with it. If you have a diverse investment portfolio with numerous types of investments, you are protected from future disruptions or potential downfalls.

A Few Other Considerations For Investing in Real Estate

If the idea of investing in real estate sounds intriguing to you, there are a few things you need to consider first. Here are just a few examples of some of the major considerations when it comes to real estate investing:

  • Are you financially viable to put down a down payment and pay a second mortgage?
  • Do you plan to rent out your investment property?
  • Will you hire a property manager?
  • What are the monthly expenses you need to plan for?
  • What kind of ROI are you looking to get?
  • What are your short and long terms goals with this investment?

Investing in real estate is a bit bigger of a commitment than buying stock. The initial buy-in is more (the down payment), and you are on the hook for more responsibilities as a Landlord. However, if you cover all your bases, think things through, plan, and work with experienced professionals, you can certainly find success in this market.

What Kind of Real Estate to Invest In?

Most investors look for specific things in an investment property. Features like proximity to transit and schools, nearby amenities, and home features like stainless steel appliances, in-unit washer and dryer, and more are all common traits that renters look for.

Whether you’re buying a condo, a single family home, or a multi unit dwelling, it’s important to understand what work needs to be done to bring this home up to the current standards of today’s rental market.

Do your research and find out how much these properties are currently renting for, and what your monthly expenses vs. monthly income will be.

Looking for your ideal investment property? Search through our listings here.

Thinking about your next investment property? Here are a few blogs to help you choose the ideal location:

How Real Estate Investing Can Help Your Children

While many people choose to invest in real estate as a way to grow their income, diversify their investment portfolios, or help improve the affordability of their home (in the case of a basement apartment/second suite), there’s one often-overlooked reason to invest in real estate. Investing today can help your children in the future. Here are a few scenarios to consider:

  • Purchase a condo today and rent it out, collect the rent in a savings account and then once your child is college age, use that money to pay for their school.
  • Purchase a condo today and rent it out, once your child is college age, sell the condo and use the profits to pay for their school.

We have also seen parents buy condos or townhouses with the intention of eventually renting to their children or selling to their children when they are adults to help them get their foot in the door.

Passing along the Landlord responsibility to your grown children is also a great way to foster an entrepreneurial spirit and give your child experience with managing projects and making their own money.

Regardless of the route you take, investing today can have a huge impact on your life tomorrow. Whether it’s helping save money for retirement, helping to bolster your current financial situation, or preparing to best equip your kids for the future, real estate investing is almost always a great idea.

Burlington Raise A Family

Why Burlington Is A Great Place To Raise A Family

Nov 8, 2021 | Burlington

What do you picture when you think about a great family-friendly community? We think of great schools, beautiful parks, safe neighbourhoods, after-school programs, and more. They say it takes a village to raise a child, which makes it even more important to choose a community that will truly benefit your family in all the best ways.

For us, Burlington is pretty high up on the list of great places to live. In 2019 MacLean’s Magazine even called Burlington the best place to live if you have a family.

Let’s take a closer look at all the reasons why Burlington is a great place to raise a family.

The Population

The same MacLean’s article that proclaimed Burlington as the best family-friendly community also noted the city’s population as a great reason to move here if you have kids. It stated that 47% of the population reported having kids and 17% of the population is under the age of 15. If you want to live in an area where your kids will have friends they can grow up with, and constant availability of friends and playdates, Burlington has it all.

The Diverse Schools

Burlington is home to some of the best schools in the region, and regardless of your child’s needs, interests, or goals, there is a school here that can help them achieve their academic goals. With a combination of great public schools, exclusive private schools, faith-based, French immersion, and gifted programs, Burlington has a lot to offer in the way of academic success.

But how do you know which Burlington school is right for your child? The Fraser Institute is a great place to start. Or you can take a look at our blog on the top schools in Burlington, Ontario right here.

Since Burlington is situated between Hamilton and Oakville, the city also has easy access to excellent post-secondary schools like McMaster University or Sheridan College.


According to Numbeo, Burlington has an extremely low crime index and a high safety index. In general, people in Burlington feel safe walking during the day and at night, and the risk of crimes such as theft or assault is quite low.

Burlington is home to the Joseph Brant Hospital, a highly-regarded and innovative healthcare centre. Residents in Burlington also have access to numerous specialty hospitals such as the Hospital for Sick Children located in nearby Toronto.


With easy access to public transit and the GO Train, getting around Burlington is easy. If you’re a parent who spends a lot of time chauffeuring kids from school to after-school activities, you’ll want to know your way around Burlington. Luckily for drivers, the city has many main arterial roads and much of the city has easy access to Highway 403 and Lake Shore Road to the south.

The Homes

Burlington has a diverse range of properties. From beautiful detached houses in quiet, leafy neighbourhoods, to spacious condos in luxury buildings, there’s a property type to suit your unique family unit.

It’s quite common to see young families start out in Burlington condos and then move up to a lovely detached home in a more suburban neighbourhood close to great amenities, such as schools, daycares, public parks, and more.

Interested in seeing what’s available right now in Burlington? Search our latest listings to find your next family home here.

Parks and Recreation

With such a young, vibrant, and diverse community, Burlington has a lot of services on offer. The city has incredible parks (more than 1,436 acres of parks, to be exact!), walking trails, bike paths, and community centres to serve an active community.

Whether you’re looking for skating rinks, public pools, baseball diamonds, soccer fields, play structures, and more, there’s always something to do in Burlington. The city is home to:

  • 4 Indoor pools
  • 2 Outdoor pools
  • 3 Splash pads
  • 12 ice pads
  • 6 community centres

Before heading out to one of the city’s excellent parks or community centres, check out the City of Burlington website for the most up-to-date information to make sure the services you’re looking for are open.

If organized sports are not your family’s thing, Burlington is also renowned for its incredible hiking and nature trails. The Bruce Trail and Niagara Escarpment are located here, as well as The Waterfront Trail–a spectacular trail that traces the shores of Lake Ontario. Burlington is also home to beaches like those found at Beachway Park, perfect for enjoying a hot summer day with the family.

Burlington Neighbourhoods

Like all cities, Burlington is home to some great micro-communities. Some are more well-known for their family-friendly vibe, while others are preferred by young professionals. If you’re looking for the best of the best for family living in Burlington, neighbourhoods like Alton Village, Brant Hills, Roseland, and Tyandaga are some of the safest bets.

To learn more about Burlington and its various neighbourhoods, you can check out our Burlington neighbourhood guide right here.

fall-inspired dinner table | Fall Decor Ideas To Transition Your Home Into The New Season

Fall Decor Ideas To Transition Your Home Into The New Season

Oct 7, 2021 | Lifestyle

If you’re anything like us, you absolutely live for the fall. While fall can definitely feel like one of our shorter seasons in Toronto and the GTA, we always do our best to make every minute of it count.

As home design enthusiasts, we never pass up on the opportunity to lean on our favourite fall influences to reimagine the interior design and decor aesthetic of our home. Especially seeing as fall is a time of year when we find ourselves entertaining family and friends even more frequently, with Thanksgiving and the cooler weather the main culprits there.

So, ahead of the coming cooler weather, we’re giving away some of our go-to decor ideas to help you and your home tastefully transition into one of Canada’s most scenic and beautiful seasons, fall.

Moody Lighting

When summer comes to an end, so do those extremely long days where the sky is light out from the time you wake up right up until eight or nine at night. Come fall, however, the days get shorter and shorter, and in our opinion, so should your home.

Don’t try to fight the loss of light in fall, but embrace it instead — especially when the sun starts to set. Once the light gets lower, turn down the dimmer switches on your larger lights (or easily install them if you don’t already have them) and enjoy the cozy lower lighting.

Better yet, place large lanterns in the corners of your main rooms while scattering candles across tables, shelves, and countertops too. When it gets darker outside, rely on candlelight as much as possible to set the tone for a very ‘hygge’ home environment.

We weren’t kidding when we said we were home design enthusiasts. See which of the biggest design trends we’re following at the moment by reading our recent post highlighting 6 Luxury Home Design Trends To Try Right Now.

Lay Down New Rugs

In the summertime, doormats and rugs aren’t all that essential, but when the weather starts to turn and walking outdoors becomes a little messier, they’re worth their weight in gold. Our advice is to include more area and sectional rugs with autumnal colours, textures, and tones into your space to really ramp up those fall vibes.

Thicker rugs with more plush padding are also much nicer on the feet when the weather drops down in the fall. Plus, everyone loves a festive welcome mat when stopping by for Thanksgiving or Halloween, so use this as another great opportunity to inject some fall fun into your doorway areas.

Revamp Your Tabletop

Remember what we said about entertaining? Well, seeing as the first place you need to address when throwing a cocktail or dinner party is your dining room table or kitchen island, this is another fantastic chance to include a bit of fall-themed decor in your home too.

Lookout for fabric elements like linens and runners with fall-influenced designs and deeper, more moody colours featured throughout them. Centrepieces are also fun to customize to a fall theme too — often a collection of heirloom squash or pumpkins are fun, or perhaps something even more rustic and natural like a refined wooden bowl or tray filled decoratively with vibrant leaves from outside.

On special occasions like Thanksgiving or Halloween, some fun festive chargers are also a great conversation point too.

Looking to add some more substantial ROI value to your home? Here are 5 Home Upgrades That Provide High Returns.

Big Cozy Blankets and Pillows

Nothing screams coziness like a big, thick blanket draped around your sitting chairs or couch — or even better, your shoulders! When it comes to the best blankets for the fall, we go by one rule; the thicker, the better.

Reach for sheepskins, faux furs, or really heavyweight plaids and flannels when deciding on your next living room or bedroom blanket addition. The same idea goes for bed throws, fireplace rugs, and even bathroom towels and linens. Remember; the thicker, the better.

You can also update the look and feel of your living room with new fall-inspired throw pillows and accent pieces. Darker colours and heavy textiles like velvet add weight to the room that can feel cozy and warm during the cooler fall season.

Switch Over Those Duvets

Speaking of bedding, the drop in temperatures come fall also means it’s time to stow away those lightweight linen duvets and break out the heavier-weight ones to ensure you stay nice and warm throughout the colder nights to come.

While opting for a heavyweight duvet is the main objective here, don’t miss out on the opportunity to incorporate a few more fall-themed patterns and colours onto your bed too. Look for calming earthy tones like browns, burgundies, and forest greens to really capitalize on the fall vibes here.

Are you thinking about listing your home for sale this fall? Get our tips on How To Prepare Your Home Like A Luxury Listing here!

Bring The Outdoors In

One of the main reasons we love fall so much is because of the stunning transition between summer and winter in nature, which is why we love getting outside as much as possible. When you’re inside at home, however, we still encourage you to welcome as much of the beautiful outdoors into your home as you can as well.

Tasteful homages to the outdoors through decor items like stacks of rustic firewood, large wreaths on doorways and mantlepieces, and decorative branches and dried flowers in glass vases are all great ways to bring the outside, in.

If you want to get really creative with this nature-driven design concept, you could even head outside to collect some of the season’s most beautiful leaves and arrange them creatively in frames! Or, use stained and finished birch tree rings as coasters or placemats in the dining room. Just try your best not to bring any unwanted wildlife into your home while doing so!

Within the real estate industry, fall is also among the best times of the year to sell your home. So if you’ve been considering listing your home for sale, see how we can help you get ready through our guide below. Then, learn more about our home evaluation process to find out what your home’s current market value is.

Family-Friendly Oakville Neighbourhoods

The Top 6 Family-Friendly Neighbourhoods in Oakville

Sep 23, 2021 | Oakville

With a population of over 200,000 permanent residents, Oakville is easily Ontario’s largest town and is actually one of the most densely populated communities in the country, let alone the Greater Toronto Area. It’s also consistently ranked as one of the top mid-sized cities to live in Canada!

While Oakville is known for many things — like its picturesque natural surroundings, charming downtown core, and lust-worthy collection of homes — it’s also highly valued for how conducive it is to family living.

Although it’s hard for families to go wrong choosing essentially any Oakville neighbourhood to live in, there definitely are some areas that are more family-friendly than others.

To get our take on the top six family-friendly neighbourhoods in Oakville, read our guide here!

If you’re not fully familiar with Oakville in general just yet, you can get up-to-speed by reading our Oakville Community Guide first.

1. West Oak Trails

First up on our list is the relatively new Oakville development of West Oak Trails. Set in the northwestern end of Oakville, this scenic development was mostly comprised of farm fields and open land up until the 1990s and early 2000s when local planning commissions turned the area into a planned residential neighbourhood.

As you may have deciphered from the name, West Oak Trails gets its name from the many nature trails, greenbelts, and ravines that run through this naturally beautiful area. Naturally hilly in its topography, West Oak Trails is a great place for hiking, running, biking, and many other outdoor activities. 

The trails are supplemented by direct access to the Sixteen Mile Creek that runs directly through the neighbourhood, along with the many public parks, playgrounds, sports fields, and even a splash pad for younger kids!

West Oak Trails is the ideal neighbourhood for children with a sense of adventure and is also home to some of Oakville’s highest-ranking schools. For instance, Oakville’s best-ranked public school, Captain R. Wilson, is located right here in West Oak Trails, along with several other great local institutions.

As far as the homes go, it’s harder to find a more ideal home for a child to grow up in than the quintessential West Oak Trails home. Mostly made up of detached single-family dwellings set on generous lots with ample room for kids to grow and play in, this planned development really hits the mark for family living.

And, one of the best parts about West Oak Trails being a planned community is that residents’ daily essentials are always close by. Whether it’s groceries, household essentials, recreational facilities, or top-notch schools, you’ll find everything is nearby when living here.

There’s a reason why West Oak Trails is one of Oakville’s most celebrated family-friendly neighbourhoods. To find out more about this amazing community, read up on our West Oak Trails Neighbourhood Guide here!

2. Glen Abbey

Directly south of West Oak Trails is the next family-friendly neighbourhood on our list, Glen Abbey. Home to arguably Canada’s most famous and revered golf destinations, the Glen Abbey Golf Club, this Oakville neighbourhood was literally built around the spectacular club and course.

Since the start of Glen Abbey’s residential development back in the 1980s, this community has gone from Oakville suburbia to one of the most sought-after neighbourhoods in the Oakville area — and you don’t need to love golf to see why. Clearly in touch with nature, there are a plethora of amazing outdoor amenities close by in Glen Abbey, which is perfect for active, outdoor-oriented children.

Alongside the collection of outdoor hiking trails and public parks is the Glen Abbey Community Centre, which is a newly constructed sports facility featuring an indoor ice skating arena, a double gym and fitness centre, multiple squash courts, and a recreational swimming pool featuring a waterslide. 

It’s not all play all the time for the local kids of Glen Abbey, however, especially seeing as the neighbourhood boasts some of Oakville’s best schools as well. Top-ranking names like Mother Teresa Elementary, St. Bernadette Elementary, Abbey Park Secondary, and T.A. Blakelock Secondary, among many others, all welcome children from the Glen Abbey area.

In terms of the local real estate, the homes here are practically all tailor-made for family lifestyles. Whether you’re located nearer to the legendary Glen Abbey Golf Course or further away in more recently developed suburban areas, you’ll find detached single-family homes on lush green lots account for most of the residences here.

With the local shopping centre, Abbey Plaza, located just a few minutes drive away from anywhere in Glen Abbey, amenities like grocery stores, retail shops, essential services, and a fine selection of cafes and restaurants are all always close by.

Does Glen Abbey sound like the perfect neighbourhood for you and your family? Learn a little more about the area in our Glen Abbey Neighbourhood Guide here.

3. Eastlake (Ford)

Situated on the other side of town, Eastlake (also known as Ford) can be found in the southeast corner of Oakville set directly against the sparkling shores of Lake Ontario. Certainly one of Oakville’s prettiest neighbourhoods, Eastlake is also highly conducive to family life — especially for families whose parents regularly commute into nearby cities like Toronto.

With direct access to major highways and being one of Oakville’s easternmost neighbourhoods, many homeowners here enjoy the easy commute into Toronto for work. While this is a very common neighbourhood for daily commuting workers from in Oakville to live in, it lacks nothing when it comes to community togetherness and tight-knit neighbourly vibes.

Need some more Oakville neighbourhood inspiration? Find out which 5 Beautiful Oakville Neighbourhoods To Call Home you’re best suited to.

Bound by a set of parks, pathways, playgrounds, and trails, this tranquil heavily wooded neighbourhood offers a safe setting for parents and children to play and explore while simultaneously being close to home and the action of the breathtaking waterfront area.

Aside from Eastlake’s thriving waterfront area, access to all of the amazing amenities of downtown Oakville is just a five-minute drive away, meaning Eastlake residents regularly enjoy all of the perks of being close to Oakville’s celebrated shops, restaurants, cafes, and more.

Parents will be thrilled to know that Oakville’s top-rated high school, Oakville Trafalgar High, is also local to the Eastlake neighbourhood, along with several other well-acclaimed schools including St. Vincent Elementary, St. Joseph Elementary, St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary, and many others.

As for the homes in Eastlake, there’s a great mix of property sizes, types, and costs here. Down by the waterfront is where you’ll see some of the largest, most expensive estate homes anywhere in the Greater Toronto Area, while further north is where many smaller and single-storey family homes are located.

Those who live in Eastlake tend to genuinely love it. Learn more about what life is like there by reading our Eastlake Neighbourhood Guide now.

4. Joshua Creek

Like West Oak Trails, the neighbourhood of Joshua Creek is one of Oakville’s newest suburban planned communities and was largely constructed around the 1990s to early 2000s. Located not far away from neighbouring communities like Mississauga and Toronto to the east, Joshua Creek is another popular neighbourhood for regular commuters.

However, Joshua Creek is perhaps most known for its fantastic green spaces and outdoor amenities, with several parks, trails, and sporting facilities all located within the neighbourhood. Several soccer and lacrosse fields can be found dispersed around the area, along with the nearby White Oaks Golf Course. 

For those families more into indoor sports and rec, the Joshua Creek Arena is a mecca for indoor winter sports like hockey and skating while the Iroquois Ridge Community Centre has a professional-grade, 25-metre, eight-lane swimming pool plus a family-friendly leisure pool complete with a water slide.

Joshua Creek doesn’t fall short in the education department either, with an almost overwhelming amount of choice between local public, Catholic, and private institutions. Among the most popular choices for families and students are St. Marguerite d’Youville Elementary, Joshua Creek Elementary, Holy Trinity Secondary, and Iroquois Ridge Secondary, just to name a few.

Families also love Joshua Creek for its wide variety of newly built homes. As the majority of families that live in Joshua Creek fall under the successful well-to-do category — with many families in dual-income households — the detached houses and townhomes are closer to the ‘luxury’ category than anything else.

 There’s everything to love about living in Joshua Creek. See what else makes this Oakville neighbourhood so special by visiting our Joshua Creek Neighbourhood Guide here!

5. Clearview

Not far away from Joshua Creek in Oakville’s east end is the neighbourhood of Clearview, also known as Sherwood Heights, and yet another highly desirable place to live for families — especially those who make regular commutes into Toronto and other surrounding areas east of Oakville.

You can think of Clearview as your classic suburban neighbourhood, comprised of safe, clean streets surrounded by lush green lawns and mature trees and populated by friendly homeowners and their growing families.

Here, space is the name of the game. Residents of Clearview thoroughly enjoy being encompassed in an abundance of parks and greenery, which makes sense seeing as the area we know as Clearview today was once a farming community. Now, this hilly Oakville neighbourhood is home to many parks and trails, as well as Kingsford Park, a large community-run garden.

It isn’t all about the outdoors in Clearview, however. Residents also love taking advantage of the many retail and shopping areas nearby too, with destinations like the Upper Oakville Shopping Centre and several other local shopping plazas dedicated to serving the Clearview public.

Families with school-aged children will have no problem finding a local institution for their kids, no matter which grade level they are at. From Kindergarten all the way through to Grade 12, there are great options for schools here. Lookout out for schools like St. Luke Elementary, St. Joseph Catholic Elementary, and St. Thomas Aquinas Elementary among others.

The local real estate scene in Clearview is also a great selling point for families, as this Oakville neighbourhood is full of spacious homes with generous yards. It’s not uncommon to find three or four-bedroom homes here well into the 3,000 square foot range, and perhaps even larger. While some homes are smaller in size, most of them are detached and have plenty of space for family fun.

Eager to learn more about what it’s like to live in Clearview? Read our Clearview Neighbourhood Guide for even more info.

6. The Preserve

While the Toronto Real Estate Board technically considers The Preserve ‘Rural Oakville,’ you won’t catch many Oakville locals referring to this popular new neighbourhood the same way. 

Instead, The Preserve — Oakville’s newest neighbourhood — has been welcomed with open arms into the community because of its fantastic family-friendly characteristics and warm local residents. 

The Preserve is located in Oakville’s northern end, just past the Uptown Core neighbourhood. If you know Oakville’s geography at all, the best way to explain where The Preserve is located is basically the stretch north of Dundas from Sixth Line to Neyagawa.

Strategically situated right next to some of Oakville’s most beautiful natural areas, The Preserve boasts instant access to multiple public parks and gardens across the community. In fact, enjoying nature and staying outside is extremely easy in The Preserve, as most of the neighbourhood’s local shops and amenities are well within walking distance for the local residents.

And when it comes to the local residents, this brand-new suburban neighbourhood is absolutely filled with families — and it’s easy to see why. With shopping close at hand (the Fortino’s plaza is just a stone’s throw away) and plenty of places for organized sports (check out the sports complex at Neyagawa), there’s nothing kids are left needing.

Plus, in the education department, the local schools near The Preserve are also well regarded. For starters, Oodenawi Public School is one of Oakville’s highest-ranking elementary schools in the north end! Then you also have St. Gregory The Great Catholic Elementary School, plus Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School as options too.

Are you still not sure which local Oakville schools you should be sending your children to? Find out which ones are our top picks here:

Tanya Crepulja - GTA Real Estate Listings

How To Prepare Your Home Like A Luxury Listing

Aug 25, 2021 | Sellers

Everybody knows what a luxury listing looks like when they see one. Think spectacular homes set on lush, perfectly manicured green lots, featuring distinctive architectural details, eye-catching interior design and staged to perfection.

Plus, don’t forget about the photography, videography, and marketing materials to make it look even better.

There’s actually an art to making them appear that glamorous and enticing, and it comes down to how they’re prepared.

Although even the very top Realtors® aren’t able to magically make a home larger or more secluded than it actually is, there are a few tricks of the trade that can make a home appear much more desirable before it’s listed.

So, if you’re interested in learning more about how you can make your home look more like a luxury listing — and thereby command a more ‘luxury’ price for it — here are a few of the most effective ways you can prepare your home before you list it for sale.

Learn more about our detailed luxury home prep process and how we can help you sell your home for its maximum value in our Seller’s Guide here.

Start Outside

The very best agents know that every luxury home should start pre-listing preparations outside. Why? Because it’s likely to be the first image of your home that appears on a feature sheet or marketing material and is always the very first part of your home a visiting buyer will see in person.

We call this ‘curb appeal,’ because that’s exactly what it is — how strong the appeal of your home is from a curbside view. Ensuring you make a potential buyer’s first impression of your home as good as it can be from the get-go is the best way to set your sale up for success.

How you initiate that takes a little foresight and planning, however. The best route to take here is to retain the services of a professional landscaper. If that isn’t an option you’d like to pursue, we’d at the very least recommend you consult one as to what you can do on your own.

No matter which way you go, doing things like removing any damaged or dying plants and shrubs from your yard, re-laying sod where your grass has gone yellow or patchy, putting down a fresh layer of mulch or wood chips, adding beautiful planters at the entrance and repainting any accents like doors, window frames, and mailboxes in a fresh and contemporary colour are all great first steps.

At the Tanya Crepulja Team, we rely on a core team of experienced home service and industry professionals to supplement our comprehensive list of real estate services. Find out more about who makes up our suite of recommended professionals here.

Ruthlessly Declutter

Heading inside, the first thing you can do to enhance the appeal to potential Buyers is to ruthlessly declutter your home. Here, the practice of ‘less is more’ should be very much central to what you try to achieve with your declutter.

Your goal here should be to essentially remove any and all unnecessary or superfluous items from your home, especially in high-traffic areas like hallways and doorways and high-use areas like countertops and kitchens. Remove and store all personal items like diplomas, religious items, family photos, and all the extra ‘stuff’. The main objective is to minimize distractions or obstructions of potential Buyers’ sightlines when visiting your home.

Find Neutrality

Also, it’s important that you remove any more unique, personality-driven artwork or decor items unless they are neutral pieces that tie in with the staging and design element that we offer our clients when listing their home. Even though you might have a keen eye for interior design, we are looking to appeal to a wider audience thus paring down on some very bold or dark pieces of art as they can also negatively impact the impression of the home in the photography.

The primary mission for your pre-list decluttering is to make your home feel as neutral as possible. Not only will that leave a blank canvas for a high-end professional home stager to work their magic, but it also opens the door for the widest audience of potential Buyers to envision themselves living in your space.

One of the best things to keep in mind here is that the luxury home buyer audience is diverse. Not all of your potential Buyers will have the same taste and design preferences, which is why it’s important you leave your home looking as neutral and decluttered as possible for when they come to see it. That way, nothing will distract them from picturing their future lives in your home.

Want to see what the latest luxury listings currently available for sale look like? Visit our Featured Listings page here to see what today’s luxury market is like.

Stellar Staging

Now that your home has been thoroughly decluttered, it’s ready to be strategically re-filled by a professional home stager. We always recommend our selling clients work with one of our high-end luxury home stagers, our trusted team are some of the top property stylists in the city. In fact, we believe in the value of professional staging so much that we offer it complementary to our Seller clients.

When talking about staging, the difference between stylish and true luxury homes is how the furniture and overall design of your home perform, not just how your home looks. While you might already have a collection of fantastically tasteful furniture pieces, professional staging is much more focused on creating optimal flow and visual experience for visiting Buyers.

Here, professional stagers use tried-and-tested techniques like the placement and layout of space-appropriate furniture, which optimizes foot traffic and the optical interpretation of room sizes for visiting Buyers. Additionally, stagers expertly know how to use strategically placed mirrors and colour theory to enhance the visual depth of individual rooms.

These, along with many more subtle techniques of staging have the power to make a huge impact on how visitors perceive and experience your home. An experienced professional stager truly knows how to transform even the most average of spaces into luxurious-feeling homes.

Looking for some design inspiration to take your luxury listing up to the next level? Here are 6 Luxury Home Design Trends To Try Right Now.

Re-Think Your Lighting

One of the most underappreciated (and often forgotten) aspects of creating a luxury home showing experience comes down to what your home’s lighting is like. The reason being is that great lighting often goes unnoticed, while poor lighting sticks out like a sore thumb.

While most agents will give you basic lighting recommendations like “turn on all of your light fixtures and open up your blinds,” an agent who regularly lists luxury homes knows how to take things a step further.

With the ultimate goal in mind to make your home feel as light, airy, and serene as possible, a few simple lighting tricks can go a long way. Our first recommendation is to address any harsh fluorescent or LED lights — not only do these give off undesirable ambiance, but they create the impression of intensity in a home, which isn’t necessarily the tranquil appeal luxury homebuyers are looking for.

What Kind of Lighting Works?

Instead, look to install dimmer switches or swap out your bulbs for softer, more complimentary lighting. Once you’ve done that, think about which parts of your home would benefit from additional lighting whether it’s pot lights or fixtures that will complement the room it’s in. Light fixtures in your home should be a cohesive look throughout. Often times a homeowner will overlook the lighting, however, it’s like jewellery to an outfit – you can be dressed to the 9’s but without the accent jewellery the outfit won’t be a perfect 10. Don’t forget to clean all light fixtures as they should not be covered in cobwebs – they should be free of dust and sparkling clean.

Next, it’s vital that you try to include as much natural light in your home as possible. That means opening up all of your windows and interior doors and drawing back any curtains or shades. Hire window cleaners to thoroughly clean the windows inside and out otherwise, it will be a negative impression to a potential Buyer.

A tip to enhance the feeling of airy natural light, you can strategically place mirrors adjacent to windows to reflect new natural light into other spaces.

Interested in receiving more great real estate content like this delivered directly to your inbox? Sign up for our newsletter here!

​​When Is The Best Time To Sell Your Home?

​​When Is The Best Time To Sell Your Home?

Aug 12, 2021 | Sellers

As Realtors®, we know that because we work in a very public-facing sector, it’s quite common for people to take a very vested interest in our industry. Whether they’re Buyers, Sellers, investors, or developers, everyone seems to have an opinion on how the real estate industry works.

And, in some ways, their opinions aren’t incorrect — especially when it comes to our seasonal activity cycles. Traditionally speaking, real estate activity does operate around predictable high and low seasons. For example, the spring market is typically the best time to sell, followed by the fall market, with both summer and winter being quieter times of the year.

However, due to extraneous circumstances like the COVID-19 pandemic, that cycle has somewhat broken in recent years as our market has seen immense activity no matter what the date on the calendar reads. In fact, if there’s anything we’ve learned from the past year or so, it’s that Buyers will buy and Sellers will sell whenever it makes the most sense for them.

That being said, there still are some general timing guidelines when it comes to optimizing returns from a home sale that we industry insiders know to be true. If you’d like to learn more about what Realtors® lookout for when timing the launch of a new listing, our blog post here is for you.

Follow The Money

No matter which industry you’re in, those who hold the money have the biggest influence, and real estate is no different. When Buyers have spending power, they’ll use it — no matter what time of year it is.

However, while budgets aren’t seasonal, Buyers do depend on a few other factors working in their favour to help them expense the purchase of a new home.

Things like mortgage and interest rates play a big part in whether or not Buyers can afford to take out a loan and enter the market. Needless to say, the economy, as well as inflections in those borrowing rates, certainly don’t follow a calendar.

Although general clues and themes can help, there’s no certain way of predicting what the economy will do in the future. That’s why shrewd Sellers know that when interest rates are low, it’s a smart time to sell. Or, when inventory levels are low (meaning Sellers have less direct competition) and buyer demands are high, it’s also a favourable time to list.

Rather than depend on a season where real estate markets are traditionally active, it’s much more lucrative to pay attention to the numbers and list your home for sale when it makes sense.

No matter when you plan on selling your home, one of the most important elements to every lucrative sale is having a comprehensive marketing plan in place. See how we help earn our sellers top dollar by reading the related links below:

The Best Time To Sell Is Now

Considering our previous point, we’d advise our selling clients that the best time to list their home for sale is now.

Currently, we’re in a Seller’s market — this means Buyers have money and they want to spend it, however, Buyers’ demands far outweigh the limited supply of homes up for sale. Seller’s markets are a classic case of supply and demand — and at the moment, we won’t see our market become more balanced unless there’s a sudden enormous influx of listing inventory.

Because the cost of borrowing money for a home is currently more accessible (low interest rates, generous mortgage amounts), many Buyers are eager to take advantage of this opportunity in the market and buy a home before finance rates change. Add onto this the factor of our rapidly rising real estate property values, causing Buyers to have heightened fears that if they wait to buy the home they can afford today, they won’t be able to afford it tomorrow.

So, as this relates to Sellers, why wait until later to list your home for sale when Buyers have the means to spend big now and are motivated to do so if things could change in the future? No one has a crystal ball to predict what the future will hold, so it’s probably best to take advantage of the current momentum to realize a profitable return on your real estate investment.

In our opinion, there’s no time like the present to either list your home or start putting pieces in place to list your home soon.

Curious to see how listings in your neighbourhood have performed on the market recently? Check out Our Sold Portfolio to learn more and see how your home might compare.

Why Is The Market Sometimes Slower In Summer?

If you’ve followed our Toronto and GTA real estate markets throughout 2021, you’ll have noticed that the strong winter and spring markets began to slow during the start of the summertime this year. In fact, the fast-paced market activity at the start of the year was really just a continuation of the hectic end to the 2020 market.

So, when this summer’s market activity started to die down towards the end of June and the beginning of July, many consumers began to grow concerned. Here’s what they saw:

  • Average sales prices in certain areas of our report weren’t rising as rapidly (and in some cases stagnated)
  • Homes weren’t receiving as many offers as compared to earlier this year
  • The number of days listings spent on the market increased
  • The number of total transactions decreased
  • The inventory of listings on the market also dropped

This caused a lot of consumers to make some grand assumptions about the state of the market as a whole, predicting the Seller market’s bubble had burst and the skyrocketing housing economy would soon plummet.

Here’s what we saw; homeowners went on holiday and were more focused on enjoying typical summer leisure time as the COVID restrictions eased in the GTA.

No matter how vigorous the market is, summer holidays always tend to slow things down to some degree. And this summer in particular, the effect was two-fold considering many Canadians had finally been allowed to travel outside of the country again.

We also didn’t read as much into the market statistics either. Stagnating average sales prices doesn’t mean they’re decreasing — in fact, a modest or flat month-over-month increase at their current high price is probably beneficial to the overall health of the market. We took this as a sign that a sense of normalcy was returning, which is actually more conducive to coordinating transactions.

What’s also important to note is that compared to our year-over-year findings, property values are still much higher this year than in 2020.

The first step to every home sale is gaining an accurate estimate of your home’s current market value. Curious to know what your home is worth in today’s market? Find out for free by signing up for a no-obligation Home Evaluation here.

Why Does The Market Sometimes Pick Up In Fall?

Following the same theory as above, when Buyers return from their summer holidays and as the weather begins to cool off, they tend to have more time to focus on their homes. Normally, this means that consumers either devote more time to improving and selling their homes or to their new home search.

Therefore, the market tends to pick up slightly in the fall. However, does the increase in activity really mean you should wait until later in the year to list your home? Not in our opinion.

Although most homeowners are preparing their homes now in order to have them ready to hit the market in the autumn, there’s also a downside to that. Holding off until fall to list your home for sale typically means your listing will be up against greater competition. Waiting for more listings to appear before listing your house alongside them can be a little counterintuitive.

So, When is the Best Time to Sell?

At the end of the day, the best time really comes down to what a homeowners’ goals are, what their reasons for selling are, and if they’re contemplating a move elsewhere. At the Tanya Crepulja Team, we take a more personal, immersive approach with our clients to help them map out their real estate ambitions from a wider lens while discussing what the best plan of action for them would be from there.

For some, the best time to sell is now. For others, it’s later — it really just comes down to which factors will prove more influential for somebody’s life.

What do we recommend? Seek the advice of a Realtor® that has plenty of home selling experience in your local market. They’ll be up-to-date on all the market trends and developments and will be able to give you the best advice possible about when to list. Don’t follow a calendar, follow qualified advice.

There are a lot of factors that go into a successful home sale, all of which require a lot of thought and consideration. To save you the time and headaches, we’ve already done just that — learn more about our in-depth selling process in our Seller’s Guide here.

The Top ​​7 GTA Pre-Construction Projects To Watch

The Top ​​7 GTA Pre-Construction Projects To Watch

Aug 3, 2021 | Buyers

In constantly expanding cities like Toronto, the construction never really stops. While it may feel like the city is already big enough now, real estate developers are always making plans for what they believe the city may need a few years in advance.

As developers make plans behind closed doors about what the future of our city will look like, lots of people interested in Toronto’s real estate economy patiently wait for any news about upcoming pre-construction developments.

Whether they’re potential buyers, real estate investors, or individuals eager to know how the GTA will change over the next few years, pre-construction real estate projects always seem to drum up a lot of interest.

As GTA real estate industry professionals, we’re among the first to know about those upcoming pre-construction developments. Which is why we’re sharing our insider insight into the 7 most interesting new pre-construction projects with you here.

1. Pier 27 — Phase 3

Located at 25 and 35 Queens Quay East in Toronto, Phase 3 of the Cityzen development group’s Pier 27 project is due to begin construction in this highly desirable area of the city’s harbourfront along Queens Quay.

The final stage of the long-term development project called Pier 27, Phase 3 will include two new buildings and several commercial and retail spaces once opened. Phase 3’s west building is projected to be 45 storeys tall with the capacity to house 449 residential units, with the east building projected to be 11 storeys tall and have the capacity to house 136 residential units.

Based on the success of Pier 27’s initial two stages, we believe that Phase 3 will see similar success. Once completed, Phase 3 will have rounded out this longstanding harbourfront development project by development group Cityzen, who has been very active in the ​​development and home building industry for over 30 years.

Although Phase 3 is still in its early planning stages, we definitely think this will be a fantastic project for investors and homeowners alike, especially given the reputation for quality and design Cityzen group and Pier 27 already have within Toronto.

Are you a first-time homebuyer or simply on the search for a smoother, more comfortable approach to buying real estate? Our client-first homebuying process is designed to maximize your enjoyment of your next real estate purchase. Get more detailed information about how we can help you buy your next home in our complimentary Buyer’s Guide here.

2. Natasha Residences

Well-known Toronto-based real estate development company Lanterra Developments has come together to plan the latest of their comprehensive set of downtown Toronto condo developments, Natasha Residences.

Found at 263 Adelaide Street West near John Street in Toronto’s Entertainment District, Natasha Residences will be set in a prime location within one of the city’s most busy and vibrant neighbourhoods.

Working closely with fellow Canada-based architecture, design, and urbanism firm BDP Quadrangle, Lanterra has designed Natasha Residences to hold 438 individual suites. Set to launch in the summer of 2021, pricing for units will begin within the $500,000 range.

While Lanterra Developments isn’t giving away too much just yet about Natasha Residences just yet, you can register here to learn about the project when more information becomes available.

There’s never a dull moment in Toronto’s Downtown West neighbourhood, which is where the Natasha Residences will be based. Learn more about it in our Dowtown West Neighbourhood Guide here.

3. The Capitol Residences

Based in both Toronto and New York City, Madison Group is a real estate development group that is responsible for creating some of the most high-quality and desirable real estate developments on the east coast of North America.

From standalone single-family homes to entire high-rise condo buildings, Madison Group stands for quality and innovation in the real estate economy, which has been exemplified in their latest Toronto project, The Capitol Residences.

Located at 2500 Yonge Street, just a few streets north of Eglinton Avenue, The Capitol Residences is a new condo development that has been built above and around the iconic Capitol Theatre. As an homage to the legendary theatre based in North Toronto, The Capitol Residences will preserve much of the theatre’s original facade, with the additional architectural elements honouring the early-20th century Classical Revival style.

Slated to be 14 storeys tall and housing 145 separate units, The Capitol Residences is set to make a dramatic entrance to the mid-town market. The project as a whole is earmarked to launch by mid-2021, however, Madison Group is currently taking registrations.

Yonge and Eglinton is a mid-town neighbourhood that’s seen some major development in recent years. Learn more about what the new-look community has to offer in our Yonge and Eglinton Neighbourhood Guide here.

4. LeftBank

Just a few years ago, many would have avoided Toronto’s Regent Park neighbourhood due to low safety ratings and underdevelopment by the city. Today, however, Regent Park looks to have secured quite a bright future for itself.

It’s no coincidence that big-name real estate development group Broccolini has something to do with that shift, as their plans for LeftBank, a new urban development community, are based within the Regent Park area.

Located at 91 River Street at the intersection of River Street and Dundas Street East, LeftBank’s primary condo development building will be a 34-storey skyscraper, housing a projected 385 suites.

Featuring modern, eye-catching designs and lust-worthy views overlooking Toronto’s Don River, it’s rumoured that Broccolini will price their new units starting no lower than the $500,000 price range.

With an anticipated launch date of 2025, there’s still time to wait and see how Regent Park will continue to transform in the years to come before investing in LeftBank. However, if Broccolini’s involved with the project, it’s probably a good indication that any money you put down will prove to be spent well.

Not convinced about Regent Park just yet? What if we told you it was featured as one of our ​​5 Up-And-Coming Neighbourhoods For Investment In Toronto blog post?

5. The Mason at Brightwater

Currently in its pre-construction phase, Brightwater is a brand-new urban waterfront planned community located in the vibrant neighbourhood of Port Credit in Mississauga.

Surrounded by many pre-existing, thoroughly popular shops, restaurants, and small businesses, Brightwater will be a massive new development entering into an already attractive space along Mississauga’s stretch of Lake Ontario shoreline.

This projected new Port Credit development community is a collaborative effort between builders Kilmer Group, Diamondcorp, Dream, and Fram + Slokker, with architecture firm architectsAlliance responsible for heading the designs.

Currently, Brightwater’s individual condo building, The Mason, which is set to be located at 70 Mississauga Road South, is now accepting registrations. The Mason will have a total of 160 units with pricing starting from the high $500,000’s.

For those interested in learning more about purchasing a unit at The Mason within this enormous new Port Credit development community, unit sales will be exclusively done through Baker Real Estate Incorporated, beginning in the summer of 2021.

Port Credit is one of the best neighbourhoods in Mississauga to live in. So much so that we wrote a detailed Port Credit neighbourhood guide here!

6. North Oak 2

While international real estate development group Minto has already made a big impression on the desirable North Oakville area, they haven’t planned to slow down the development of their master-planned community, North Oakvillage, just yet.

The newest addition to Minto’s popular Oakvillage community will be the North Oak 2 condo building, which will be located at 3315 Trafalgar Road at the intersection of Dundas Street East and Trafalgar Road in North Oakville.

Minto has made the environmental ethos of North Oak 2 abundantly clear from the project’s outset — the development company wants the future residents of the Oakvillage condo building to feel a closer connection to nature. Early design rendering of North Oak 2 show the heavy inclusion of plants, green tech, and natural green spaces both within and surrounding the building, which will additionally be located near 300 kilometres of nature trails and conservation areas.

Standing tall at 20 storeys high, North Oak 2 will be home to 374 individual units, starting at prices from the mid $500,000 range. North Oak 2 is expected to accommodate resident occupancy by Fall 2024, giving you ample time to start learning more about what it’s like to live in North Oakville.

Back in 2018, MoneySense Magazine voted Oakville as the Best Place To Live In Canada. While we didn’t get to vote in that particular election, we have every reason to agree with the verdict. Here’s why:

7. EX3

Development company Camrost Felcorp’s new four-tower development community, The Exchange District, is touted to begin construction on the final piece of their planned community, Exchange District 3 (also known as EX3).

Located at 151 City Centre Drive in Mississauga, directly across the street from Square One, Canada’s second-largest shopping mall, EX3 will be about as centrally located in Mississauga as you could ask for. A wide selection of shops, restaurants, public transit, and local amenities will be just steps away from the future residents of EX3, as Camrost Felcorp seeks to provide the ultimate modern residential living experience in downtown Mississauga.

Measuring in at a projected 72 stories, EX3 promises to be one of the tallest buildings in the area, and will boast expansive views of the city and neighbouring communities from all vantage points.

Registration for units within EX3 will begin the second week of August 2021, so if you’re keen to make your interest in securing a unit known early on, don’t wait too long to contact us directly here.

Eager to learn more about what it’s like to live in Mississauga? Our local Mississauga real estate expertise can help. Do some more research by reading our latest Mississauga-focused content here!


Top Oakville Patios Tabletop

The 6 Oakville Patios You Need To Stop By This Summer

Jul 22, 2021 | Oakville

Every summer, as temperatures rise to their steamy seasonal highs, essentially all Oakville residents begin to come to the same conclusion — it’s way too nice out to stay inside. And, seeing as all restaurants, bars, and cafes across Ontario have been given the green light to start serving customers again, Oakville’s patios have become popular spots for that very reason.

With so many highly-rated restaurants across the city, there’s almost an endless amount of amazing places to eat, drink, or even just grab a coffee at. However, not all of them host patio season to quite the same level.

As local Oakville real estate experts, we’ve got insider insight into the city’s hottest patios to chill out in. If you’re looking to take your Oakville patio experience up a notch this summer, follow our advice and grab a spot on any of these great patios.

1. Bronte Boathouse & Duckies Dairy Bar

First up on the list is probably the nicest patio in Oakville’s Bronte neighbourhood. The Bronte Boathouse and adjoining Duckies Dairy Bar at 2340 Ontario Street are a must-go if you’re in Bronte, as the sister businesses offer unbeatable views of the Oakville waterfront.

While the outlook onto the Bronte Harbour from Bronte Boathouse patio is very upscale, don’t feel you need to be dressed to the nines in order to get a table here. This casual dining spot offers classic, laid-back waterfront fare, which focuses heavily on seafood and comfort food favourites.

Think Shrimp Po’ Boys, Fish ‘n Chips, Kashmiri Seared Atlantic Salmon, and a Buttermilk Fried Chicken Sandwich — all of which are impressively presented to match the views of the marina. Then, after your main course, head right next door to Duckies Dairy Bar for Bronte’s best ice cream. Choose between a cone, cup, or Paletta (read: popsicle stick) and then explore their creative selection of flavours.

With Duckies’ ice cream acting as the perfect ‘digestivo’ to round out a summer lunch or evening, you couldn’t ask for a more enjoyable and picturesque harbourfront experience in Bronte than from these two Oakville institutions.

Interested in learning more about what life is like in Oakville? Read up on our Oakville community and neighbourhood content here!

2. Community Resto

Another fabulous place to grab a healthy, upscale brunch, lunch, or even dinner is Oakville’s Community Resto. Not only do we love Community Resto for their stylish decor and eye-catching plating, but we love their health-first kitchen concept, too.

Their 100% vegan-friendly menu features plant-based dishes that are just as deeply satisfying as their non-vegan counterparts, like Community Resto’s Pulled BBQ Shiitake Mushroom Burger, Grilled Sausage with Slaw, and Penne Mac & Cheese.

Pull up a seat on their quaint little street-front patio this summer — just make sure to keep an eye out for their trademark pink patio chairs and you’ll be sure to find them.

3. 7 Enoteca

One of Oakville’s most highly-rated restaurants, it’s not hard to see why 7 Enoteca has so many fans — both locally and across the GTA. Offering a concise list of traditional Italian food and wine, 7 Enoteca offers a modern dining experience that feels anything but limited.

While 7 Enoteca’s menu more closely resembles that of a humble southern Italian trattoria — think pizza, pasta, and meat and cheese boards — their strong flair for theatrics makes even their most simplistic of dishes more closely resemble works of modern art. Come to think of it, the same can be said for the restaurant’s tasteful design and decor, as well.

And, by using fresh, local ingredients from local vendors exclusively when they’re in season, you can feel good about supporting local Oakville farmers and food producers when dining at 7 Enoteca too.

Open from ​​5 p.m. to 10 p.m. every Wednesday to Sunday, 7 Enoteca’s posh patio⁣ is ready to welcome walk-in customers who are hungry for authenticity and ingenuity on their plates this summer.

Stopping by Mississauga at some point this summer? Make sure you read our sister blog post highlighting our favourite patios in Mississauga before your trip!

4. Hexagon Restaurant

Find a similarly vivid dining experience in another member of Oakville’s most lust-worthy restaurants list, Hexagon Restaurant — except this time, with a French-inspired menu.

Take one step inside this modern masterpiece of a space and you’ll soon realize that while its dazzling interior design offers a thoroughly engaging first course, your eyes truly begin to feast once they see Hexagon’s ravishing dishes.

Offering Oakville residents and visitors alike a truly unique multi-course dinner experience, every dish that leaves Hexagon’s contemporary kitchen is presented with artistic direction.

No matter if they’re traditional, well-known French classics like Beef Tartare or Fish en Papillote, everything Hexagon’s Executive Chef Rafa Covarrubias puts on a plate would be equally at home presented in a gallery.

Get the full Hexagon experience on their stunning patio space along Lakeshore Road this summer by booking your reservation here.

5. Piano Piano

Piano Piano, loosely translating from Italian to English as “very carefully or slowly” is an apt name for this new Oakville restaurant, as its owners have certainly taken their time expanding into the Oakville market.

After enjoying years of consistent success from their original Toronto location, Piano Piano has finally opened their Oakville location at 120 Thomas Street, one of downtown Oakville’s most beautiful streets.

Although Piano Piano isn’t as heavily focused on art-directed plating as Hexagon is, this highly-regarded restaurant franchise is celebrated for its quality and creativity while providing classic Italian dishes like pizza, pasta, fresh seafood, vibrant salads, and satisfying grilled meats in an inspiring and engaging atmosphere.

And, with a stunning streetside wraparound front patio, Piano Piano’s newest location on Thomas Street is essentially guaranteed to be one of Oakville’s must-go destinations for great food and amazing parties this summer.

Determined to get in on all the Oakville patio action before summer’s end? Have a look through my latest featured listings to see if there’s a home in Oakville perfect for your unique lifestyle.

6. Harper’s Landing

Another shining example of a restaurant franchise expanding the right way is The Landing Restuarant Group, which has opened various locations of their Landing restaurants across Ontario and Alberta.

You’ll find Oakville’s very own franchise, Harper’s Landing, at 481 Cornwall Road. It’s fitting then that Harper’s Landing is named after Oakville-born businesswoman and entrepreneur, Martha Matilda Harper, who is accredited with launching modern retail franchising.

While the food at Harper’s Landing isn’t quite as upscale as the previous three entrants on this list, you can expect to find a wide selection of refined pub-food favourites. Classics like a burger and fries, fish tacos, grilled salmon, and nachos will accompany you very well on their expansive outdoor patio.

If you’re looking for an easy night out, Harper’s Landing is a great casual spot that caters to diners and patio enthusiasts of all ages.

Best Real Estate Agent in Mississauga

Nominated as Best Real Estate Agent & Best Real Estate Broker – 2021 Reader’s Choice Awards

Jul 14, 2021 | Mississauga

I’m thrilled to share that I’ve been nominated as ‘Best Real Estate Agent in Mississauga’ and ‘Best Real Estate Broker’ for the 2021 Reader’s Choice Awards! This is incredible and such an honour.

⁣I would love to land in the top finalists and need your help to do so! Please VOTE/nominate me by going to the page links below, and click on the green Nominate button next to my name.⁣

Voting can be done daily and ends July 29th. ⁣

⁣Here are the links to vote:

You can vote for me in the Real Estate Agent Category here.

And you can vote for me in the Real Estate Broker Category here.

Thank you in advance for the support!

⁣As always, I’m greatly appreciative of all clients past and present that we have had the pleasure to serve for real estate buying, selling, or investing needs in Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington, and west GTA. Thank you for your trust over the years and for the opportunity to be of service to you and those you know.

⁣We truly love what we do and are passionate about providing you with an exceptional real estate experience.

If you’re thinking to buy or sell real estate let’s chat about your goals and how we can achieve them. Get in touch anytime by phone/text at 647-293-3785.

Plated food on a patio - Your Mississauga Summer Patios

Your Mississauga Summer Patio Guide

Jun 29, 2021 | Lifestyle

Summer is finally in full swing. Rising temperatures and sunny days give way to our favourite time of year–patio season. As Ontario continues its re-opening plan, many fantastic Mississauga patios are opening back up and ready to welcome guests. 

Here are some of our favourite Mississauga summer patios…

Snug Harbour Seafood Bar & Grill

With a beautiful waterfront patio, Snug Harbour Seafood Bar & Grill is a premier destination for outdoor dining in Mississauga. If you’re a seafood lover looking for a coastal vibe this summer, Snug Harbour is the place to go. Whether you’re craving some fresh oysters or you prefer a traditional chowder or mouthwatering seafood ravioli, Snug Harbour has what you’re looking for, served on a beautiful patio with stunning waterfront views. 

Posta Italbar Cucina

Craving some authentic Italian cuisine? Posta Italbar Cucina is a fantastic option for outdoor waterfront dining. With delicious pasta, authentic pizza, and award-winning artisanal gelato, there’s something for everyone. The sharable boards and fresh ricotta bar are a must-try but stay for the homemade pasta. With its delectable Italian dishes and superb waterfront ambience, you’ll get transported from Mississauga to the Amalfi Coast without having to board a plane. 

Alioli Ristorante

Alioli Ristrorante’s crisp white linen-covered tables and sparking tableware make dining out feel like a special occasion. However, its relaxed, friendly atmosphere will have you feeling like you’re part of the family. Serving Mississauga since 1996, Alioli Ristorante is an iconic establishment, and for good reason. With fresh, classic Italian dishes and a comprehensive wine list, their patio feels warm and welcoming with second-to-none service. 

For more about life in Mississauga, check out these related blogs:

Cuchulainn’s Irish Pub

This family-owned, authentic Irish pub is located in the heart of Streetsville in Mississauga. Its cosy patio wraps around the restaurant and is shaded by beautiful shrubbery and trees. You’ll truly feel like you’re dining in the Emerald Isle. Serving traditional Irish pub fares like Guinness stew, fish and chips, and deep-fried Snickers, Cuchulainn’s patio is the perfect place to enjoy some fresh air and traditional Irish comfort food. 

Goodfellas’s Pizza 

This local chain of wood oven pizza restaurants is another Streetsville gem. With fresh ingredients and a bistro-style atmosphere on the patio, Goodfella’s Pizza is a great spot to check out if you’re craving an authentic Italian experience. Fresh focaccia, burrata, and house-made pasta are just a few other dishes on offer if you aren’t in the mood for pizza. 

For more information on Streetsville check out our neighbourhood guide.

Erin Mills Pump & Patio

This family restaurant is a Mississauga institution. With several locations, Erin Mills Pump & Patio has something for everyone. From fanciful beer flights to delicious cauliflower Thai bites, this restaurant caters to a variety of cravings. With a spacious patio and bistro umbrellas on every table, the patio feels cool, shaded, and airy. Perfect for enjoying delicious elevated pub-style food and drink. 

Patio Season is Here

With so many Mississauga patios to choose from, you can enjoy a different experience all summer long. From authentic Italian to fresh seafood and classic international cuisine, there’s something for everyone in Mississauga. 



Interested in learning more about Mississauga?

Take a look at our complete Mississauga Neighbourhood Guide for everything you need to know.

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Private Schools in the West GTA: Our Top Picks

Private Schools in the West GTA: Our Top Picks

Jun 8, 2021 | Buyers

If you’re like most parents, you want the very best education for your children. In many cases, that means opting for a private school. While there’s no shortage of options in the West GTA, finding the right one for your kids is crucial. It may even factor into where you decide to live!

Here are seven impressive private schools to consider in the West GTA…

1) Mentor College

Mentor College is one of the oldest private schools in Mississauga. It’s strongly committed to (among other things) preparing students for a successful university experience. It starts in junior kindergarten—and extends all the way to the end of high school. Small classes and parental involvement (which is strongly encouraged) are some of the biggest advantages of choosing this stellar learning environment.

With its focus on things like time management and study skills, this really is the place to send your kids if you’re thinking ahead to university. While it starts early, they’ll gain some of the most important knowledge they’ll need for the years ahead in high school.

2) Kendellhurst Academy

Another Mississauga entrant, Kendellhurst Academy, is a supportive school with an impressive reputation. This Streetsville learning environment, which runs from preschool to grade 8 (in two separate buildings for preschool and grade school), provides a nurturing environment focused on both personal and academic excellence. The curriculum stimulates students’ minds, spirits, creativity, and intelligence—all in an unpretentious environment. Above all, it’s child-centred—and the dedicated, hard-working educational team reflects that.

One thing that sets Kendellhurst apart is its recognition that teachers should facilitate learning for individual students. While all private institutions tend to be focused on performance, Kendellhurst staff understands that children learn in different ways—and assists them accordingly.

3) Lynn Rose Heights

Lynn Rose Heights is a private Mississauga school that educates children who are pre-k (as young as three) all the way up to grade 12. During their tenure, students are prepared for university, adulthood, and the world. The school aims to “cultivate lifelong learners in a multicultural community,” a goal that’s never been more important.

One of Lynn Rose Heights’ claims to fame is its status as an IB World School. The International Baccalaureate (IB) program offers four highly challenging, international educational programs for students aged 3-19.

4) St Mildred’s-Lightbourne School

St Mildred’s-Lightbourne School has roots that stretch back over 125 years, but its mandate has always been the same: to empower girls and young women. This Oakville learning institution is also a wonderful place to receive an education. Its 10-acre campus is equipped with outdoor classrooms and nature gardens, as well as two art studios, two gyms, a black box theatre, a dining hall, and more.

From preschool to senior school, girls enjoy an incredible mix of programs—including everything from STEM and robotics to global citizenship. It doesn’t get more well-rounded than that.

5) Linbrook School

Linbrook is an independent school for boys. This Oakville institution is all about helping students discover their interests. With a current average class size of 18, teachers have plenty of time to do just that. From access to technology to hands-on learning exercises, boys at Linbrook have opportunities to grow and explore in the classroom every day.

If your son is all about extracurriculars, they’re bound to be excited by the school’s selection. There’s no doubt that they’ll find just the right activity, whether it’s computer coding club, martial arts, or private music lessons.

6) Walden International School

With a motto like “making good people,” it’s fair to expect a lot from Walden International School. This learning institution (which serves students from preschool to grade 8) provides enriched studies. Subjects run the gamut and include STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math). Walden is also an IB school.

This Oakville gem is also known for offering mindful meditation in the classroom. The school’s website notes that there’s research suggesting it can lead to better math scores, fewer ADHD symptoms, and kinder behaviour (among other benefits).

7) Fern Hill School

One of the best private schools in the West GTA, Fern Hill, has campuses in Burlington and Oakville. Both sit on large pieces of land, educate students from preschool to grade 8, and offer an impressive litany of programs. From Mandarin to math contests to dramatic art, students can explore and find their passions.

Fern Hill School is unique in its subject-specific teaching approach, where each staff member specializes in one area. As opposed to each grade being assigned a teacher, students are given the opportunity to interact and connect with a variety of them throughout the day.

Searching for a home in a great school district in the GTA? We’d love to help—get in touch to take the first step!

5 Home Upgrades That Provide High Returns

Apr 5, 2021 | Sellers

Have you been thinking about selling your home? Whether you take this step in the near future or years down the line, ensuring the highest possible return is the goal. Fortunately, there are home renovations you can undertake to make your property feel more contemporary—and maximize your selling price when you put it on the market.

Here are five home upgrades that can offer high returns when it comes time to sell…

1) Refreshing your kitchen

Your kitchen is the heart of your home, and buyers will look closely at it. While you may not want to do a complete overhaul (a process that can require more time and money than many homeowners are comfortable with), a few strategic updates can go a long way. For example, refacing or even just repainting your cabinet doors is a cost-effective way to modernize your space. Swapping in new hardware (like your faucets and drawer pulls) is another way to give your kitchen a facelift.

2) Replacing your countertops

Updating your countertops can also transform the look and feel of your kitchen—and provide a significant return. Specifically, linoleum and laminate can, in many cases, look outdated. For this reason, you may want to consider upgrading. Quartz provides a modern look that mimics marble, at a fraction of the cost. If you’re looking for something on-trend and upscale, consider a waterfall countertop or marble backsplash.

3) Updating your bathroom

Bathrooms can make or break a home sale—and outdated flooring is one of the biggest turnoffs. Fortunately, upgrading to porcelain, ceramic, or stone tile can instantly provide a more sophisticated look. Another improvement that typically offers strong returns is ditching your shower-bathtub combo. A standalone soak tub or sleek glass stall will prove more appealing to buyers. That said, remember that every single-family home should ideally have a tub in at least one bathroom.

4) Landscaping

When it comes to home improvements, landscaping is often overlooked. That’s too bad, because it can add value of up to 20 per cent to your property. Investing in lawn care and ornamental trees or shrubs can go a long way towards boosting your home’s appeal. If you want to take things a step further, a pools, hot tub, outdoor kitchen, or contemporary patio can help you create a beautiful oasis that will draw buyers in.

5) A coat of paint

Painting is one of the simplest ways to refresh your living space. In fact, adding the right colour can do more than create a pleasant atmosphere—it can also put thousands of extra dollars in your pocket when you sell. Light neutrals are a safe bet because they appeal to the largest possible pool of buyers. Greys, whites, and beiges all tend to work well, though the ideal shade may depend on which room you’re painting. For example, blue bathrooms and taupe living rooms are both shown to boost seller returns.


The key takeaway

Performing the right home upgrades can boost your bottom line when it comes time to sell, but it’s important to be strategic. The right improvements will depend on a variety of factors, from what your timeline looks like to the current condition of your home. Your best bet is working with a local agent who knows the market—and what buyers are looking for!


Ready to talk about selling your home?

We’re here to help. Get in touch to take the first step toward a successful sale!

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5 Top-Notch Schools in Mississauga

5 Top-Notch Schools in Mississauga

Mar 29, 2021 | Mississauga

Mississauga is home to many wonderful, family-friendly neighbourhoods. When you’re choosing the right one, there are many things to consider—from local homes to public green spaces to convenient amenities. Of course, one of the most important may be the quality of local schools. By taking a look at some of the best places for children to receive an education, you can make a more informed decision about the community that makes sense for you.

Here are five highly-reputable schools for families in Mississauga to consider…

1) Burnhamthorpe Public School

Situated in east Mississauga’s Applewood neighbourhood, Burnhamthorpe Public School is a highly regarded local institution that celebrates inclusiveness and diversity within its walls. Featuring a regional French Immersion Program, Burnhamthorpe PS has been serving the community since the mid-1960s when the community of Applewood first started to change from a rural area to a more established residential neighbourhood. The school encourages parents to get involved and collaborate with teachers to promote student success

Students at this top-notch learning institution also score well with the EQAO, which is icing on the cake if you’re thinking about moving your family to Applewood.

2) Vista Heights Public School

The suburbs aren’t for everyone. If your family is looking for more of a heritage town vibe, Streetsville may be your ideal option. One of its best features is Vista Heights Public School. This local learning environment is known for its helpful staff, who aim to foster creativity and critical thinking skills in every child.

Vista Heights boasts impressive EQAO scores, which means the vast majority of its students are at or above the provincial standard for reading, writing, and math.

3) Mineola Public School

There’s more than one fantastic school in Mineola, Mississauga. In this highly-sought-after community, you’ll find another great place for kids to get a quality education. Mineola Public School receives a 7.4 from the Fraser Institute, along with solid EQAO scores. As part of its mission, this beloved institution provides a comprehensive learning approach that focuses on kids’ intellectual, social, emotional, creative, and physical development.

Would you like your kids to learn a second language? Mineola Public School offers a fantastic French immersion program—and the vast majority of students take advantage of it.

4) Whiteoaks Public School

Lorne Park is highly sought-after for its stunning homes, majestic greenery, and (of course) the great local places where kids can get an education. One of the most beloved is Whiteoaks Public School, and not just because of the fantastic EQAO its students receive.

The focus at Whiteoaks is on lifelong learning. Accordingly, the school takes a holistic approach—one that’s interested in creating responsible future citizens. By fostering a love of community and technology, staff help ensure that students are well prepared for the years and decades ahead!

5) St. John of the Cross School

If you live in Meadowvale, you also have the option of providing your kids with a strong, faith-based education. St. John of the Cross is a Catholic school with an exemplary reputation. It receives an incredible 9.5 from the Fraser Institute, and very impressive EQAO scores.

This Mississauga elementary school is devoted to providing a nurturing environment that fosters spiritual—and academic—growth. Through its curriculum and fundraising efforts, St. John of the Cross also places great emphasis on values rooted in faith and social justice.

Looking for the right home in the ideal family-friendly community? We can help—get in touch to benefit from our Mississauga expertise.

Selling Your Home? Here’s Why Social Media Matters.

Mar 10, 2021 | Sellers

Are you gearing up to sell your home? If so, exposure will be the key to generating buyer interest and securing the best possible price. A talented, full-service agent will provide you with an in-depth marketing plan—one that includes social media promotion. In other words: to effectively spread the word about your home, choosing a professional with the right digital skills is crucial.

If you’re getting ready to sell, here are five reasons to work with an agent who’s a social media expert…

1) Social can capture active and passive buyers

It goes without saying that your property should be promoted in places where home hunters are actively searching. That said, your strategy should also target passive buyers (those who are ready to purchase but may not be looking in the moment when they come across your listing). Social media feeds are great places for home hunters to find your property by chance—and instantly fall in love.

2) It allows you to make the most of video

A recent study shows that seeing a video about a product or service increases the likelihood that buyers will purchase it by 64 per cent. This type of content has never been more important, and social media makes it easy to share. With the click of a button, buyers can tour or have an immersive experience with your home—and pass it along to others who may be interested.

3) Your images can take centre stage

Most buyers first get to know a home through photographs. More often than not, it’s what makes them pick up the phone to book a viewing. Social media is ideal for sharing these show-stopping images—and showcasing your property’s true potential. From Instagram to Facebook, your agent should know how to make your home pop on all relevant platforms.

4) Social advertising is powerful

Marketing a home on social media gives your agent the opportunity to find your most likely buyer. Advertising is the perfect way to do that. For example, on Facebook, you can target potential purchasers using highly-specific criteria—from age and location to job title and income level. That’s great news, since speaking to the right audience can improve your chances of a successful sale.

5) It’s based on trust

Social media is all about trust. Put simply, your followers are opting in to see regular content from you based on a preexisting relationship. Under these circumstances, they’re far more likely to engage with your home. It works the same way with your agent. The only difference is, a large percentage of their followers are actively searching for real estate!

An agent who’s a social media maven will know how to leverage the trust they’ve built with home hunters on your behalf. They’ll have an extensive network of potential buyers—and the expertise to capture their attention.

For all of these reasons and more, we’re proud to have earned a place on the list of top 100 real estate agents on social media. If you’re wondering what that could mean for your home sale, just ask! We’d love to tell you about our passion for all things marketing.

Ready to put your home on the market? Get in touch to learn more about how we’ll maximize its exposure for a successful sale.